Minimally Invasive Tumor Resection

It is clear that minimally invasive spine surgery using tubular retractors is beneficial compared to traditional spine surgery. In both decompressions (discectomy) and lumbar fusion, there appears to be less pain, less muscle injury, a lower rate of adjacent segment disease, lower complications and quicker recovery with tubular minimally invasive approaches.

Will Stem Cells Fix My Back Pain?

Low back and leg pain is very common. It has many causes including arthritic and degenerating discs and joints in the spine which compress the nerves. The cause and standard treatment strategies have been well studied over many decades. Spine surgeons and other treatment providers are now confident in the traditional therapy, injections and even…

How To Take Care of Your Spine

The spine is among the most important components of the human body, and plays a number of different roles in daily function. Avoiding injury to the spine and promoting optimal spinal health are essential to preserving proper function and supporting optimal quality of life for patients of all ages. The team at Rocky Mountain Brain…

Understanding Your MRI of the Lumbar Spine

Understanding Your MRI of the Lumbar Spine

As we get older, we all develop “changes” in our spines.  Studies have shown that about 30% of completely pain-free (asymptomatic) people undergoing a lumbar MRI have abnormalities detected.  After the age of 60 years old, about 90% of people have at least a “degenerative disc.” Low back pain is one of the most common…

What is Revision Spine Surgery?

Having spine surgery does not guarantee that your neck or back problems are gone for good. In some cases, pain and other symptoms can continue. This can mean that the initial procedure was not successful, or it could indicate that you have a recurring condition. Understanding your options if you have continued pain can help…

What is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?

Anyone who has experienced significant back pain understands how difficult it is to lead a normal life while dealing with persistent discomfort. For some, the path toward relief may lie in back surgery. Traditionally, surgical procedures performed on the neck and back were done via “open surgery,” in which a large incision is made and the surgeon damages…